Member soccerstagg

Profile created 09/03/2016


10 formations created
1 lists created
1 players created

Recent activity

Name Comments Club League Country Date Member Created
MUFC Legends XI soccerstagg 08/05/2019
MUFC Legends XI Sir Alex Ferguson soccerstagg 08/05/2019
Toronto FC Legends Greg Vanney soccerstagg 06/05/2019
West Ham United Legends XI soccerstagg 06/05/2019
Newcastle United Legends XI soccerstagg 06/05/2019
Chelsea All-Time XI José Mourinho soccerstagg 06/05/2019
Brazil Legends XI Brazil soccerstagg 06/05/2019
Arsenal Legends XI Arsene Wenger soccerstagg 06/05/2019
Inter Milan Legends XI José Mourinho soccerstagg 05/05/2019
USMNT Legends XI Bruce Arena United States soccerstagg 05/05/2019
10 Formations
Title Comments Club League Country Date Member Created
Manchester United Legends soccerstagg 24/01/2018
1 Lists

players created

Name Club Position Age Foot Height Nat
Cobi Jones Cobi Jones
54 D 1.70 United States
1 players

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