Member RocqueGustavo

Profile created 17/12/2016


2 formations created
3 lists created
4 players created

Recent activity

Name Comments Club League Country Date Member Created
2 Formations
Title Comments Club League Country Date Member Created
Power RocqueGustavo 15/02/2017
Power RocqueGustavo 15/02/2017
FC Barcelone RocqueGustavo 17/12/2016
3 Lists

players created

Name Club Position Age Foot Height Nat
Davide Zappacosta Davide Zappacosta Chelsea
32 D 1.82 Italy
Kevin Richardson Kevin Richardson
61 2 1.70 England
Adrian Heath Adrian Heath
63 2 1.68 England
Armand Liberati Armand Liberati
101 2 1.82 France
4 players

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